Color Guard

The NSSAR Color Guard is made up of those Compatriots who come to SAR meetings and events properly uniformed as either Continental Soldiers or Militiamen, or attired as Revolution-era clergymen.

These men seek to visibly promote the stated objectives of the SAR which are declared to be Historical, Patriotic and Educational. Every time an SAR Color Guard makes a public appearance, the members are fulfilling all three objectives.

I encourage our Compatriots that are interested in joining the Color Guard to contact the Color Guard Commander Jeff Wise.

Uniform Information

For those of you who will be interested in ordering a uniform to participate in the various Color Guard activities, our Color Guard Commander, Jeff Wise has put together a list of items and where they may be purchased. There were two basic styles of uniform worn by our ancestors, namely the Continental Regular and the Minuteman or Militia uniform. Needless to say there are many, many options with each, so for the sake of brevity here is a short example of each uniform type.

1777 Continental Regular Uniform

1777 uniform

Use this to obtain the look of a 1777 Continental Regular soldier. The Patrick Henry chapter has adopted the blue coat with red-facing lapels, silver button holes with pewter buttons. Complete the look by ordering the white work shirt, black neck-stock (necktie-like cloth), white waistcoat (vest) and white trousers with black shoes.

This costume-version of Jas. Townsend’s military uniform leaves out the lining and pockets and simplifies the design of the coat. The coat is made with 100% Worsted Wool and is relatively inexpensive at $134 when compared with the heavier museum-quality wool version.

Money saver hint: purchase a pair of regular white trousers at a local store such as Target and also a pair of inexpensive black shoes with leather straps at Payless or equivalent. You can then purchase the least expensive shoe buckles at Jas. Townsend and lace the Velcro straps of your shoes through those buckles. No one will notice the difference!




Fur Hat

Buttons and other things

