April 2020 Monthly Meeting (Online)

April 2020 Monthly Meeting Flyer

This months chapter meeting will be held online at 10am (1 hour earlier than usual). We hope that everyone has received a meeting request to attend. If you have not receievd your request and you would like to join, please email Gary White and he will make sure you get a link with the access code and password. The meeting will start promptly at 10am.

Guest Speaker – Gary White

On February 10, 1675 Gary White’s eighth great aunt, Mary Rowlandson, was captured by King Philip and his warriors from her home in Lancaster, Mass. Held in captivity for 11 weeks, she not only met King Philip, but soon became a favorite visitor of his, despite the animosity she retained for her capture and treatment by the Indians.

After her release Mary wrote a book about her travels with King Philip. She describes how her young daughter died and the separation from her two other captured children. Mary negotiated her own ransom amount with King Philip and his war council and was eventually released.
This was some 100 years before the Revolutionary War, yet it marks the beginnings of the dissatisfactions the colonists began to harbor against the Monarchy and the English government. Mary’s book doesn’t touch on these subjects, however, other studies have traced the beginnings of colonial discord back to the French and Indian wars, land allotments given and taken by the Crown, and excessive taxation for the sometimes meager and irregular protection provided by the English government.